Demagogue Press

Based in the Pacific Northwest, Demagogue Press is where games and books collide and coexist in harmonious synergy. Literary, non-fiction, poetry, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, genre-blend, and genre-free are all welcome in our world of boardgames, magazine gaming, and storytelling.


To curate and publish spectacular games and books. Anything from the tried-and-true classics to fresh, new voices or experimental concepts are fair game in our realm of tabletop, card, magazine gaming, storytelling, and the Venn diagrams between them.

The Cast


Frances Lu-Pai Ippolito is the founder of Demagogue Press. When she’s not rolling a d20 and playing with meeples, she’s reading or writing SF/F/H/genre-busting stories. Her writing has appeared in several venues including Nightmare Magazine, Flame Tree Press's Asian Ghost Stories and Immigrant Sci-fi Stories, Mother:Tales of Love and Terror, Death’s Garden Revisited, and Unquiet Spirits: Essays by Asian Women in Horror. Frances also co-chairs the Young Willamette Writers program that provides free writing classes for high school and middle school students. You can find her on FB Frances Pai, IG @francespaippolito, and TikTok frances_pai/@frances0391.


Ken Hueler teaches kung fu in the San Francisco Bay Area and, with fellow members of the Horror Writer’s Association’s local chapter, gets up to all sorts of adventures (only some involving margaritas). His work has appeared in Weirdbook, The Sirens Call, Space & Time, Weekly Mystery Magazine, and anthologies such as “The Lost Librarian’s Grave” and “Tales for the Camp Fire”. You can learn more at:

Publishing Assistant

Robyn Deblock started taking computers apart early and hasn’t been able to stop learning since. She combined her love of helping people and tech and started working in IT. She’s also creative and looks at most things and thinks, “I could make that.” Her passions include music, reading, art, geocaching, solving puzzles, and being with people.

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